Whether it’s a homemade gift, unique glassware, or a way to spice up your living room decor, this is the DIY for you — not to mention it’s SUPER easy!
We began by going to Caesar Creek Flea Market and finding some glassware that caught our eye. (These were only $1 each, what a bargain!) However, you can use anything you like; wine glasses, flower vases, or just something you have laying around your house.

The only other supplies you need for this project are rubber bands and
For the next step, place the rubber bands randomly around the glassware. There’s no technique to this, just have fun with it!

Now here comes the best part… painting! Choose whatever color you like and just go at it! You may need 2-3 coats.

You’re almost finished! Once all the paint is dry, remove the rubber bands and presto! You now have the coolest champaign glasses and candle holders in town, all made by you!

Watch our video tutorial here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RljzFeFbyaU&feature=youtu.be
Happy Crafting!